Dotmaison Trade Account

Here at Dotmaison our dedicated Trade Team are always on hand to assist in fulfilling your requirements. Whether it be a large-scale hotel project or a refresh to your company meeting room, our expert knowledge of the luxury brands that we offer are available to assist & guide you in achieving the desired result.

What you can expect from your Trade Project Manager…

- Assistance & guidance with product selection; our Trade Team have extensive knowledge of the luxury products & brands that we offer.

- Logistics planning; our Trade Team will liaise with suppliers & couriers to ensure deadlines are met and delivery of goods is to your preference.

- Achieving the best price; our Trade Team will offer competitive pricing and will always keep your budget in mind when assisting & guiding.

Ready to get started? Contact our Trade Team by emailing , quoting TRADE in the subject, or calling 01889 578457 and we will get an application form sent straight over.